This is a follow up question from the original question posted here: Was the Holy Prophet poisoned and martyred →
Question: How can I convert a non-Muslim to Islam? Answer: 1. Learn about the teachings of Islam and →
Question: Was the Holy Prophet poisoned (or killed) and martyred or did he die a natural death? Answer: →
Question: I want to ask about a serious topic: which sins take a Muslim out of the fold →
Question: One of the Ayat discussing people who have focused on materialistic aspects of life is “Surely We →
Question: According to Sunnis, we believe Allah is not fair in His judgement? Please clarify. Answer: All Muslims →
Question: I am a revert, and I am afraid of committing shirk (associating partners with Allah). I want to know, →
Question: If Islam’s origin is from Prophet Muhammad (s), then what about the other prophets of our religion, →
Question: Who are the poor people according to Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)? Can we pay kaffarah to the non- →