
Did the wives of the Prophet poison him as narrated by al-Ayyashi?

This is a follow up question from the original question posted here: Was the Holy Prophet poisoned and martyred

How can I convert a non-Muslim to Islam?

Question: How can I convert a non-Muslim to Islam? Answer: 1. Learn about the teachings of Islam and

Was the Holy Prophet martyred or did he die a natural death?

Question: Was the Holy Prophet poisoned (or killed) and martyred or did he die a natural death? Answer:

Which sins take a Muslim out of the fold of Islam?

Question: I want to ask about a serious topic: which sins take a Muslim out of the fold

The meaning of Ayah 7:179: “Surely We have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell”?

Question: One of the Ayat discussing people who have focused on materialistic aspects of life is “Surely We

According to Sunnis, we believe Allah is not fair in His judgement? Please clarify.

Question: According to Sunnis, we believe Allah is not fair in His judgement? Please clarify. Answer: All Muslims

Isn’t it wrong to believe that Imam Mahdi sees and knows everything we do?

Question: I am a revert, and I am afraid of committing shirk (associating partners with Allah). I want to know,

If Islam’s origin is from prophet Muhammad (s), then what did the other prophets bring?

Question: If Islam’s origin is from Prophet Muhammad (s), then what about the other prophets of our religion,

Who are the poor people according to Ahlul Bayt? Can we pay Kaffarah to poor non-Muslims?

Question: Who are the poor people according to Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)? Can we pay kaffarah to the non-