
Can you provide a brief outline of the whole religion of Islam?

Question: Can you provide a brief outline of the whole religion of Islam. Answer: Islam in a Nutshell:

Can you please explain the idea of Infallibility according to Islam?

Question: Can you explain the idea of Infallibility according to Islam? Are Prophets and Imams literally incapable of sinning?

What is the real meaning of Allah’s anger?

Question: What is the real meaning of Allah’s anger ( غضب )? Answer: غضب (anger) is one of

Best 3 Proofs for the validity of Shia Islam?

Question: In your opinion, what are the first and best 3 proofs that we can bring forward to

Question about the Ayah: ‘Surely Allah has power over all things’.

Question: I have summed up a wide discussion on Omnipotence of God below. In Islam, when referring to