
I am pregnant. Is it permissible to find out if the child is a boy or girl before its birth?

Question: I am pregnant. Is it permissible to find out if the child is a boy or girl

Is a nose piercing forbidden (for a female)? If so, why? Also, what piercings are acceptable?

Question: Is a nose piercing forbidden (for a female)? If so, why?  Also, what piercings are acceptable? Answer: If a

What Islamic proofs are there that all women must wear hijab in an Islamic state e.g. Iran?

Question: What proofs are there from the Quran and Sunnah that all women must wear hijab outside of

I’m an 11 year old girl, can I dance, provided I dress appropriately & have a female coach?

Question: I would like to know if it is allowed for me to dance, I am only 11,

If a young female is made to marry someone whom she did not want, is the marriage valid?

Question: If a young female was married to a guy by her parents while she didn’t accept back in

Is it allowed for a female to hug and shake the hand of another man as a form of greetings?

Question: My question is about hugging in islam. I am a student at university and each time I go

Is Ghira (the protective feeling a man feels towards his sister or wife) in Islam justified?

Question: What is Islam’s point of view on “ghira”; the protective feeling a man feels towards his sister

If I apply face product to my face, will my wudhu and prayers still be valid and accepted?

Question: I want to know if I apply a face product to my face everyday, will my wudhu and prayers still

If a girl is in her periods and she goes to Quran classes, is she allowed to touch the Quran?

Question: If a girl is in her periods and she goes to Quran classes, is she allowed to

Which categories of men does a woman not have to wear hijab in front of?

Question: Do I have to wear hijab when I’m at home and visitors come? Answer: There are a