Question: Salam Sheikh, Many people here–and there are saying that hijab was not compulsory during the time of the Prophet (S). They say, the Ayah about wearing the Hijab 24:31 is addressing people who want to be considered Mo’minat (believing women), and not just regular Muslims or even non-Muslims. Others say that the Islamic Hijab →
Question: My friend has recently taken her scarf off. What is the best approach for dealing with this? →
Question: Regarding the hijab (Muslim woman’s headscarf), some people argue that it’s not Islamic, but rather a Jewish thing, and that →
Question: Sheikh, my teenage cousin has been trying to convince her friend not to wear makeup in public. →
Question: I have a quick question regarding women’s hijab: does the hijab have to cover up to the →
Question: My mother is ill and needs help, I would like to take off my hijab so I →
Question: Is a woman allowed to pluck her eyebrows? Answer: Plucking the eyebrows in sense of just removing →
Question: “Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is →
Question: Is a nose piercing forbidden (for a female)? If so, why? Also, what piercings are acceptable? Answer: If a →
Question: What proofs are there from the Quran and Sunnah that all women must wear hijab outside of →