Question: My question is about hugging in islam. I am a student at university and each time I go →
Question: I am going to be wearing the hijab this Ramadan, and I’m still 9, so if I wore a →
Question: What is Islam’s point of view on “ghira”; the protective feeling a man feels towards his sister →
Question: Do I have to wear hijab when I’m at home and visitors come? Answer: There are a →
Question: Surah 24:31 “…And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their →
Question: In some cultures it is still quite normal for families to live together under one roof. For →
Question: Does a woman have to cover her hair when reading the Holy Quran? Answer: No, there is no requirement for →
Question: As a teenage girl, is it haraam (forbidden) to like a boy? Answer: Any relationship between a →
Question: Is it haraam (forbidden) to put eyeliner even though you’re a teenager, and to wear shorts up to →
Question: I wanted to know what the Prophet and the Holy Imams (peace be upon them all) had →