Why is ‘Ibrahim’ spelt differently in the Holy Qur’an?


Why is the word ‘Ibrahim‘ in chapter 2 of the Holy Qur’an (Surat Al-Baqarah) spelt differently than it is in every other chapter?


There is an expression in the science of calligraphy of the Qur’an (علم رسم الخط) called ‘فرش الحروف’ which means that there are certain words (الحروف here means الکلمات) which have no set rules for writing them; the scribes had instead relied fully on the way the Prophet (P) had pronounced those words. For example, the word ایِها is usually with الف at the end of it, but in three different parts of the Holy Qur’an it is written without it, like in Surat al-Rahman (Chapter 55) سنفرغ لکم ایهّ الثقلان. This is because the Holy Prophet (P) had recited it like that. The word ‘Ibrahim’ is also another such example.

In fact, this is another miracle and proof that the present Qur’an is exactly as it was revealed to the Holy Prophet (P) and the scribes of the revelation did not make any changes in it, rather they wrote it down exactly as they had heard from the holy lips of the Prophet (P).

For further infromation about the science of فرش الحروف, you may refer to the detailed books on علم التجوید and in particular ‘the Sciences of Quran’ by al-Zarqani vol.2 pp.362-366.

Answered by: Sheikh Mansour Leghaei

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